Two Years in Business: Lessons, Growth, and Gratitude

Two Years in Business: Lessons, Growth, and Gratitude

Two Years in Business: Lessons, Growth, and Gratitude When I first started my business two years ago, I’ll admit, it felt like a leap into the unknown. I’ve always considered myself a calculated risk-taker. You know the type—follow the path that makes the most sense: go to college, get a stable...

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Alishia Egenhoff, owner, CEO, and lead ads strategist for Social EllaMents Marketing

Hey there, I´m Alishia

The brains (and heart) behind Social EllaMents Marketing. I’m all about turning your business journey into a success story, and let me tell you, each tale is as unique as the businesses themselves.

I’m using over a decade of marketing know-how to help businesses like yours shine in the dynamic realm of digital advertising. Your business’s potential is my top priority, and I’m genuinely excited to kick off this adventure of growth and digital success with you!

Social EllaMents Freebie Guide - Maximizing Facebook Advertising